Effective, Affordable Marketing On A Budget

Marketing on a budget can feel daunting at best, and downright impossible at worst. There’s an old adage that says “you gotta’ spend money to make money.” We’re paraphrasing, but that’s the gist. 

While there is some truth to this, you can market your business effectively when cash is an issue. In fact, some of these budget-friendly marketing strategies are our favorite go-tos, regardless of available cash.

Budget-Friendly Marketing Is Important

Even large companies with deep pockets allocate budgets for certain facets of their business. Budget-friendly marketing techniques that are also effective benefit companies large and small, established and startup, to grow their business without spending tens of thousands of dollars. 

Marketing budgets can be eaten up by other costs of business, and it’s tempting for some companies to let go of their marketing budget to cut costs. While we feel strongly against cutting a marketing budget completely, we understand that sometimes it can’t be helped. In fact, some of these budget-friendly marketing strategies are free.

Marketing on a budget graphic depicting a store front with signage in the window

Our Favorite Budget-Friendly Marketing Techniques

Marketing on a budget can also look professional and 

Car Magnets

How many people see you driving your car every day? Let us tell you – a lot. Your car can do a bunch of marketing for you just by being parked at the grocery store or even in your driveway. You can slap a car magnet on pretty much any vehicle, either on the door or on the bed of a truck. And a professional design can convey that you are an expert in your field, give an idea of what you do, and provide pertinent contact information to get your name out there while you run errands. 


Postcards are such a versatile option when you’re marketing on a budget. They’re a great way to convey information as they sit on counters, they’re the perfect size for infographics, and most people will at least pause to look over one. 

You can also use them traditionally, as a piece of mail. They can be sent relatively inexpensively using an EDDM (every door direct mailer) for your area, or others will post them on their own to their customer base.

Window Perf

Window perf, or perforated window film, is one of our absolute favorite marketing strategies regardless of budget. It can be used on car or building windows and you can put pretty much anything you want on it. Graphics, text, company name, whatever. Window perf helps you stay visible on the street and when you’re driving around town. 


Apparel is especially effective if your branding and logo are deemed “cool” by the general public. Not only does it make your brand visible as you and your employees live your lives, it also invites questions about your business when someone finds your logo intriguing. We get questions all the time about our Plus and Minus logo and it leads to a lot of conversations about what we do in town and how we can help people. 

Top view of 3 people with laptops a

Social Media/Email Marketing

Social media and email marketing can be super inexpensive and even free when you’re dedicated to it. An active online presence keeps you  engaged with your current and past customers, and will help you reach new clientele simply by spending time online. 

An email list keeps your past and current customers aware of what you’re up to, educated on new products and services, and notifies them of promotions or deals. Just be sure that you’re not contacting anyone who hasn’t given you permission to do so.

Both of these are worth looking into when you’re marketing on a budget.

Customer Referral Programs

A referral is the best compliment you can receive. A customer referral program often rewards a current customer while incentivizing a new customer, either with a promo or product. Customer referral programs are cheap to engage in and are a great way to bring in friends of your current customers. They may even incentivize someone who’s been on the fence about your products/services to take the leap! 

The Bottom Line

Marketing on a budget can absolutely be done effectively. Polarity Design Team is well-educated in marketing materials and practices. We can help you put together a plan that works for you and your business. Let us know once you’re ready to start!

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